Well, I'm not riding the inspiration train regarding the novel draft, that's for sure. If anybody knows where I might catch it, let me know.
I keep messing with the idea of "soundtracking" as a way to help jog some good ideas. The point is to create a playlist of songs related to your story/characters/whatever. Supposedly, it helps.
Should each narrator have a theme song, sort of like speed racer does? Or Darth Vadar? Gah. Or just some music that kind of epitomizes him, an auditory summation? That's probably easier to do, I think.
So, Jackson--what's he got going on playlist wise? I don't know why, but Asbury Park comes to mind when I think of him. But that might be because I was listening to it last night :) Maybe this isn't the best way to access the sub-basement of my unconsious mind...