--Cormac McCarthy, Suttree
The Savage nodded, frowning. "You got rid of them. Yes, that's just like you. Getting rid of everything unpleasant instead of learning to put up with it. Whether 'tis better in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows or outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them...But you don't do either. Neither suffer nor oppose. You just abolish the slings and arrows. It's too easy."
..."What you need," the Savage went on, "is something with tears for a change. Nothing costs enough here.”
--Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
He probably was mediocre after all, though in a very honorable sense of that word.
--Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain
And who shall say--whatever disenchantment follows--that we ever forget magic; or that we can ever betray, on this leaden earth, the apple-tree, the singing, and the gold?
--Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward, Angel
She used to make me wonder why God had ever gone to all the trouble of creating reality.
--Kurt Vonnegut, Galapagos
Mrs Dalloway is always giving parties to cover the silence.
--Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway